Curriculum Statement
Curriculum Statement
At the heart of our curriculum are the Gospel Values which underpin our mission statement. “In our school where everyone is special we will love and serve as Jesus taught’. Our inclusive curriculum provides opportunities for our pupils to be creative, compassionate, confident, collaborative, cultured and valued members of our Catholic community. By developing knowledge, skills and understanding through a broad and balanced curriculum our children will be prepared to become global citizens of the future.
We are passionate that our children will be ready for the challenges ahead and are proud of who they are!
Pupils have equal and inclusive access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The National Curriculum 2014 is used to map our curriculum ensuring that knowledge and skills are taught progressively across year groups from nursery to year 6 leading to knowledge building over time. Learning is carefully sequenced, building on prior knowledge whilst working towards clearly defined end points. Key concepts are revisited through a progressive curriculum approach. Senior Leaders and Subject Leaders ensure standards across the whole curriculum demonstrate high expectations for all. Retrieval practice is built in to help our children know more and remember more.
The teaching and learning of reading is prioritized. A rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum develops pupils’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading across all subjects. At all stages, reading attainment is assessed and gaps are addressed quickly and effectively for all pupils. Reading books connect closely to the phonics knowledge pupils are taught when they are learning to read, ensuring fidelity. All teachers have a very secure knowledge of how to teach and develop excellent reading habits through the use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonic scheme, Power of Reading and whole class reading. All teachers and LSOs have received CPD in the SSP Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.
We have three subject teams, STEM, CULTURE and WELL BEING teams. Leaders meet to review and plan linked themes to incorporate and enhance reading and writing across the curriculum which complements foundation subjects where possible. These teams collaborate ensuring links made across the subjects. We have themed days and weeks incorporated into the curriculum: such as Culture week, Well-Being week, STEM week, World Book Day, Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day.
The word rich get richer, but the word poor get poorer.’ Alex Quigly
We believe it is important that our pupils receive a broad and deep vocabulary in all subjects to ensure they are well-equipped for their learning now and in the future. Vocabulary has been identified by subject leaders that is explicitly taught in a progressive sequence throughout school.
We believe that learning another language will help our children on their journey to be global citizens. Spanish lessons start in Nursery and continue to Year 6. Mandarin lessons are delivered by a specialist teacher in Year 5 through a partnership with The Belvedere Academy. We have an annual Hispanic performance where all children showcase their talents and celebrate international day of languages.
British Values and SMSC opportunities and are interwoven throughout the curriculum. We have planned a range of experiences that allow our children to flourish and build cultural capital. Some examples include: visits to Chester Zoo, Knowsley safari Park, Chester Roman Walls, Walker Art gallery, World Museum, a residential to Kingswood, RISE Christian Theatre, Gardening Club, Samba band and participation in various sporting activities.
The SLT and Subject Leads gain clear insights into the strengths and progress areas for improvement through lesson observations, work scrutinies, planning folders and tracking of pupil’s progress. The SLT along with SMT uses this comprehensive knowledge through regular book monitoring, to further develop and improve teaching by feeding back actions to whole school or to individuals across all foundation subjects. SLT and subject leaders strive to continually deepen and improve pupil’s knowledge, skills and understanding.
Pupils with any additional needs and vulnerable pupils are identified early and well supported through intervention programmes and an individually tailored, effectively taught, closely monitored alternative curriculum where necessary.
There is a focus on well-being throughout our school with a well-developed progressive PSHE curriculum that interweaves throughout the curriculum. We have a sensory room, links with Seedlings and A Quiet Place and staff run Rainbow Bereavement and Loss groups.
Pupils leave St Austin’s Catholic Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content of the curriculum and as well the wider curriculum and with the understanding of how to be compassionate members of the Catholic community. The pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their learning. The curriculum enables the growth of self-confidence, self-belief and character building that means that children enjoy and celebrate success as well dealing positively with experiences that they find challenging . They leave us being proud of who they are.
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